Friday, January 21, 2011

Think Different for a Change!

What is it about India that truly inspires us? The mere coincidence that we are born within the geographical boundaries of this nation? The fact that we as a people share a common love of movies and cricket? Or the fact that our rich culture and heritage are the envy of the world? We at Sociopreneur believe that it is our history as a nation of overcoming adversity to attain our rightful place in the world which inspires us to dream big!

As a nation, we have fought battles together against many a different foe: against empires, against slavery, and against discrimination! Our dramatic rise post-independence has been characterized by stories of people who have triumphed against the incredible odds placed against them: those who have inspired a generation to follow in their footsteps. But at a time when the political classes project dreamy visions of a rising, dominant India on the world stage, our greatest battles live on: those against disease, hunger, corruption, ignorance and poverty! Who then must answer the call of the working classes, when the stalwarts of politics and big business play deaf to their demands for their day in the sun? Who will be the foot-soldiers driving the social revolution steering India to a TRULY bright future? At Sociopreneur 2011, we challenge you to rise to the occasion for your fellow man as your conscience must have pleaded you to so often before.


SOCIOPRENEUR is an annual event conducted by Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara. True to its tag “Think Different for A Change”, Sociopreneur recognizes the potential of budding young entrepreneurs in moulding the future of this country, and inspires them to utilize their creative and business acumen to create social ventures targeting any one or more of the several shortcomings of modern society. The event requires you to create a Business plan, which when executed can and will create a social change/impact for the good. Participants from across Kerala, and indeed, across the whole of South India and beyond shall present their blueprints for the India they envision, and the work to be done to attain it! The winning idea takes upto Rs. 15000/- as cash prize as an incentive to bring their ideas to fruition and help Be the Change!

India awaits its next generation of visionaries: Will YOU answer its call?

Venue : Model Engineering College, Kochi

Date : March 4th, 2011

For more information regarding competition format, timeline, stay tuned to the following sources:



Facebook Account: Socio Preneur

Facebook Page: Sociopreneur-MEC

Twitter Account: @sociopreneur